PTM 2020 Convention
David Andersen
Aural Pure 12ths Temperament
A simple protocol to guarantee a highly idealized pure twelfths tuning.
What's in the episode ?
A simple yet brilliant protocol that, if used, will guarantee a highly idealized pure twelfths tuning, the gold standard of equal temperament. If you’ve been confused about how to achieve this best of tunings, this class is for you. You will actually hear the pure twelfths temperament being tuned and then the whole tuning is completely broken down and explained. It’s a very simple...Incredibly challenging, and not easy, but simple...method.
It provides a repeatable, non-cerebral, intuitive protocol for repeatedly amazing tunings. I will either show you or tell you very clearly what I’m doing in the temperament and then tuning the rest of the piano, in this class. In the past, there has been quite a bit of confusion about what it takes to achieve an aural pure twelfths tuning.
David Andersen
David Andersen, owner of David Andersen pianos in Los Angeles has been a professional musician, recording artist, and piano technician/consultant for nearly four decades. He's a popular and active instructor with Piano Technicians Masterclasses and has been an industry leader for many years.
A stellar reputation in the piano industry.
“David Andersen is the best friend a piano can have. He is meticulous in his care, profound in his understanding, and totally dedicated to quality and brilliance. David brings to the world of pianos a big-hearted passion that is largely missing today.”
Patrick Scott – Director, Jacaranda Concert Series
“David Andersen recently re-voiced my Yamaha C2 Disklavier. I thought it sounded pretty good before, but I was wrong. To say it now sounds strikingly more musical would be accurate, but the more to the point, I find myself playing it a great deal more often—despite an insane schedule—just because I enjoy it.”
Michael A. Levine
Feedback from this lecture's participants.
"For me this class is priceless. And when Mr. Andersen closed it with his singing it brought tears and joy for me. Even though we are living in almost the opposite side of the world somehow I feel connected through his song."
Convention Participant
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"I was in David's class years ago in a Chicago PTG convention. The way he tuned that Steinway is still in my mind. I’ve been a fan ever since. It is absolutely true what he says about "whole body experience.” I have been trying to follow his advice and I feel better because of it after working/tuning customers pianos. I'm a musician (classically trained) and when performing, I'm performing for my self—same thing with pianos. That approach makes me feel good."
Convention Participant
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"I think of all the possible topics available to us as technicians, aural tuning might be the best suited to this type of presentation (online), for one particular reason: It is fatiguing for me, mentally, to stay focused on and attentive to someone else's tuning work for a long time span. The fact that I can return to this presentation over and over (having purchased the "deep learner" package) will allow me to listen with a fresh ear and clear mind, and get the most out of David's lecture."
Convention Participant
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